Longevity | Hibernation & Estivation | Quilling | Signs of Good Health | Veterinary Care
Signs of Good Health
  • Check its eyes to make sure they are bold, clear, round, and bright.  The eyes should be wide open. The eyes should not be watery or sunken, dull, or have any discharge.
  • The hedgehog’s nose should be moist and clean.  It should not be dry, bubbly, or running.
  • Your hedgehog’s ears should be clean with no drainage, crustiness, or flaking on the outer part of the ear.
  • Check the skin to make sure there are no abrasions, lumps, bumps, excessive dryness, bare patches, or signs of mites. 
  • The underbelly fur should not be matted.
  • The hedgehog’s body should be filled out through the back and sides.
    • Some hedgehogs have a streamlined appearance, but their skin should not be loose and they should be filled out below the ribs.
    • Other hedgehogs are plumper but they should not be so fat that they cannot easily roll into a ball.
  • Breathing should be regular with no wheezing or signs of stress.  Do not confuse the normal hedgehog huffing for the rattle of a respiratory illness.
  • Notice the amount of food and water consumption from the previous night and has the hedgehog gained or lost a significant amount of weight.
  • The hedgehog’s bowl movements should be similar in color to the hedgehog’s food.  Green droppings or diarrhea are signs of illness and stress.
  • Your hedgehog should move freely without limping, wobbling, or dragging its feet.  A hedgehog’s normal gait will create a “pitter-patter” sound.